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Best Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Player

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (Video Game 2018) Poster

5 /10


This game is the wirst one of the Call Of Duty franchise. With it only being multiplayer it gets forgettable really fast. And the inclusion of a bad Battleroyale makes it even worse.

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1 /10

Worst cod ever

This is coming from a huge cod fan but oh boy this cod was horrible.

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1 /10

Wow another COD

I'm so embarrassed I bought this. I haven't bought a COD game since Black ops 2 because they were all lazy , uncreative games and I tried it agin and it's still a trash franchise . And they took away single player mode ...? Really ? Pathetic.

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Call of Duty Fortnite


  • Blackout is admittedly fun
  • Few alternate gameplay mechanics
  • Multiplayer & Zombies is fun while it lasts


  • Gets boring quick
  • Zombies is too gimmicky
  • Multiplayer is very much the same
  • Micro transactions
  • Not allot for purchase price

Verdict: Overall BO4 is a cheap instalment of the series, that drastically changes its COD standpoints to Battle Royale to pathetically cater to the current generation of players. The fun gets boring quick.


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9 /10

Black Ops 4 Review

Call of Duty is best known for its smooth Multiplayer experience. Black Ops 4 is no exception. The game feels smooth and plays better than most of the current gen Call of Duty's. With that being said I do think the game lacks content, and doesn't justify a $60 price tag. With only ten original maps and four remakes you would think the Black Ops pass would be free for all players. That's not the case. I could sit here and ramble on about how much I despise the marketing campaign, but all in all the game is good and feels like it should. Sure nothing is revolutionary about this Cod but there is still some fun to be had. 8.5/10

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1 /10

Absolutely awful.

I have never had any interest in playing games with others. I enjoy the stories by myself. COD devs have decided they only want money from people that play multi-player (dumbest decision I have ever heard of) because they completely scrapped the solo campaign storyline in favor of a million ways to get multi-players to "pay to win" (microtransactions). Really really stupid decisions = less people giving you money.

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1 /10

No first person story!

So many multiplayer shootem ups on the market. The first person story line is often what separates them. Now they just jumped on the Fortnight band wagon. You think they would have learned their lesson with Titan Fall 1.

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4 /10

Good addition to the series

Underrated and not as bad as people make it out to be, it's not perfect, but it's boots on the ground, the first call of duty minus a campaign I presume? It needs work, a lot of guns need tweaking for instance

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3 /10

Let Fortnite go

Blackout is the main reason for this 3 star review. Not only is it a direct copy of Fortnite, but it has awful graphics. you guys had 3 freaking years to do this right and you messed up.

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5 /10

Just end the series already.

Call of Duty has been dead since modern warfare 3. I'm only giving this a 5 because of the time developers put work into the game but make no mistake it's still as stale as ever.

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10 /10

My honest opinion and review !

I've been playing this game since BETA and I haven't noticed any bugs even in beta.

Many new modes like zombie , blackout and multiplayer stuff which makes it really fun.

The weapons are the same - good ! Graphics are epic! When you buy the game , most of the things are unlocked !

It's a smooth game and I give it a 10/10.

Try the game for yourself and see if you like it , ignore the negative opinions.

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1 /10

I would give it a -10 if I could.

zs11 25 September 2019

Literally the worst game known to mankind. Black ops 4 is a game for 6 year olds that only play it when they get bored of Fortnite. Call of duty has become a complete joke. Hopefully modern warfare will turn it around.

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1 /10

Load of crap

Internet only

Thanks a lot waste of money. Will never buy another cod game again. How about a special or case label????to inform consumers so they don't ware their money! Small writing down the bottom didn't cut it!!

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Immersive, fresh and a kick ass way to keep this 8 year old series more alive than its ever been!!

Black Ops 4 is a game that takes many, many risks, but it sure does prove that sometimes, the risk was worth taking. When campaign was first announced as being completely scrapped, I was severely disappointed and felt cheated out of what could've been the filler point between Black Ops 2 and 3, however, with the addition of Specialist HQ (a sort of campaign/specialist tutorial) that essence of filler was wrapped up in a pretty bow and packaging, without having to be convoluted and over the top which we have previously seen in the Call of Duty series.

Along with Specialist HQ, we have seen the addition of Blackout. Treyarch made a ballsy move to grab at the Battle Royale genre whilst scrapping a staple of Call of Duty (campaign) but as previously stated, risks are sometimes worth doing. Blackout is what a Battle Royale game should be; tense, fast paced, exilherating and most of all... FUN! Searching iconic Black Ops series land marks such as Firing Range of the Verruckt asylum lead to a game with so many possibilities, that games such as PUBG or H1Z1 have been scared to even consider!

Multiplayer for me is one of the highlights for this game. Despite Treyarch becoming the forefront of Call of Duty Zombies, they sure as hell know how to hook a multiplayer fan base. Within the first week I have managed to rank up to level 40 and I couldn't be having anymore fun. Maps feel balanced, specialists are recognisable and sort of nostalgic whilst also having the sense of refreshments, and with the addition of new game modes such as Heist or Capture, this multiplayer is one that is certain to last for the next 3 years until Treyarchs newest instalment. 1 problem I have encountered within the game on the other hand is the balancing of certain guns such as the ICR-7 and the Rampart, however they far from take away from the experience of a stellar multiplayer!

And finally... ZOMBIES! Oh my god. Treyarch have certainly gone balls to the wall and focused their hearts and souls into these new stories. The introduction of the Chaos crew in maps such as IX and Voyage of Despair introduces a brand new structure in a completely new universe. On the other hand, maps such as Blood of the Dead and Classified keep older fans whilst also introducing new fans to the series to that of the Aether story/Primis/Ultimus crew. The new perk mechanics work to perfection meaning the loss of fan favourite perks e.g, Juggernog, Speed Cola and Double Tap 2.0, don't feel as heart wrenching as many would expect. Along with this, Elixers feel highly balanced replacing the overpowered gobblegum system from Black Ops 3. Despite the occurance of crashes on every platform and the occasional game breaking glitch, Treyarch persist to release updates that make the game still enjoyable, giving fans a sense of relief that many haven't felt they have been given from other Call of Duty developers.

Black Ops 4 is a well rounded game that is here to stay. The sub-storyline of Speciaist HQ combined with multiplayer and Blackout works to bring the past, present and future fans into such an established game series, whilst Zombies' new fresh yet classic style of play results in one of the funnest and truly breath taking Call of Duty experiences that I've had in a very long time. Not only does it make you forget about CoD WW2 and Infinite Warfare before that, it makes you believe that they were just a way to build hype for a game this good!

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 gets a 9.3/10!

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1 /10

Do not buy this game! It will be a mistake(read the reasons)

This is just one more example of the problems with the call of duty games nowadays. Each game that is released in the call of duty franchise is basically just a reskin of the last game, it's like they just got the previous game, gave a new campaign and zombies, update the graphics only slightly, and then slap a new title on it. They have used the exact running animation, certain reload animations, and gun sounds for multiple games, and the gun sounds are always digitally made! It's like they can't be bothered to go out and record some real gun sounds, that's why their guns sound like pea shooters half the time! It seems like they don't care about making a good, well made, different than the last, game that's not just a lazily slapped together, ever so slightly graphically enhanced, version of the last game with a different campaign. This could be partially due to the fact that they are releasing a new game every year, or the fact that they care more about getting a new call of duty game out as fast as possible, rather than actually taking time to make a good game. They care more about the money than making a good game for the fans. It's like the transformers films, Michael bay has been told that he should stop using the same simple formula for every transformers films (which is what call of duty is doing) but to instead do something different for once, his response was basically that it doesn't matter how good it is, as long as people keep going and watching them, he'll keep making lazy films. Take the halo games for example, the teams behind them spend a good 3 years to make the best game they can, and when they where getting some negative backlash from halo 5, they listened to the fans and critics, fixed the problems, and assured the fans they would be getting what they want in halo 6, and what else did they do? They decided to spend even more time and recourses on halo infinite to make as great of a game they possibly can for the fans, not a money grab, and 4 years later halo infinite was announced and the fans are more exited than ever, everything they wanted, including getting the older art style back, they got. Call of duty is not just a lazy game, but it is also a literal graphical downgrade from black ops 3, and replaced the campaign with battle royale. Speaking of their new implementation on battle royale in their game, what has been happening lately with call of duty as well is unoriginal game concepts and ideas. They'll take whatever is popular, and blatantly rip it of and shove it in the game, as if they can't be bothered to make an original game. For example, when Halo 5 was very popular they decided to make infinite warfare, which blatantly stole some armor designs straight from halo, including stealing the design of the iconic pelican (which can even be seen in the infinite warfare trailer) and the frigate from the halo franchise as well. They also implemented a game mode that was basically the infection game mode. Later on when battlefield 1 came out, it was extremely popular, so awhile later call of duty came out with world war 2. And now obviously fortnite and pubg are super popuar, and what does call of duty do? They release battle royale in black ops 4. It is very clear what they are doing, and it's sad that the fans are buying into activisions money grabs they call "games". And when they tried making call of duty "futuristic" like halo, the fans didn't like it, and it wasn't until 3 futuristic exo jump mechanical soldier games later that they got WW2. If you compare. What I have found myself experiencing with call of duty lately is I'll watch some gameplay for the first time, or play the latest game for the first time, and I'll think," haven't I played this before?" Basically if you've played one call of duty game you've played them all. Yeah some 'look' different, but they play and feel the exact same, you'll never feel like your playing a different game, or getting a new, fresh experience from the latest call of duty. I would recommend to anyone thinking of buying call of duty black ops 4, to buy a different game, don't give in to their Money grabbing games, it'll only make them do it more. And chances are you'll play the game for about 2 months and you'll be done and already be bored of it. Make them change their ways. I'm sure if they stopped trying to make a new game every year, and all worked on one game and took a longer period of time, they could make a game that would blow every, bring something new to the table, a new game that feels fresh and not like a rehashing, and they would probably make more money, and if it's a better game it'll last longer and people would play for more than just a couple of months.

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6 /10

Got boring very quickly.

I played this game non-stop for about a month, and then basically quit. It's very repetitive, but still decent. 6/10

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10 /10


I'm playing this game from the beginning so I can tell that this is a really good game

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4 /10


The game feels very buggy upon release. I understand that's become more common with games lately, but I find it very lazy and frustrating as a consumer. Yes I give them props for try some new things but other then a few new features, it feels like a backwards step from black ops 3. Especially in the way games are set up. You can't select a character in zombies or multiplayer before the game starts and load outs feel lack lustre at best. They've definitely put all their eggs into their battle Royale basket and that's the only game mode I had some fun in.

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2 /10

Absolutely terrible

I'll start off by saying, I love the Call of Duty franchise and I was dumb enough to get suckered into yet another lazy Black Ops game. In my opinion, Treyarch have always produced the worst games in the franchise and BO4 is no exception. The game is straight up lazy, most of it is recycled from Black Ops 3, including most of the maps and specialist characters. Treyarch also couldn't be bothered to make a campaign this time, which is ridiculous, how can you charge full price for a game that has half the usual content?! Also the lack of story just makes the game a random selection of weird scenarios and characters that have no place or purpose. This year they incorporated the 'Black Ops Pass', much like the season pass from previous COD titles, however this year, you're not even guaranteed to get the DLC included! All DLC weapons are locked in a contraband system that requires you to play a ridiculous amount of hours to earn, I have a full time job and a girlfriend, I can't be dealing with that! Treyarch have also released the bare minimum in content as well with many 'new maps' being a remake of a launch map, just set at a different time of day, a complete waste of time. So in conclusion, please do not buy this game and feed the greed of Treyarch, BO4 has been a fine representation of how a games company can really take advantage of a big fan base and try to squeeze as much money out of every player without delivering even a mediocre product

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10 /10

An Honest Review

I've always been more of a Halo guy than a COD guy, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy COD games. This COD game from the first hour I played has the best graphics of any COD game, best gameplay mechanics of any COD game and the Zombies and Blackout are amazing. This game for now gets a 10/10 worth the 60 bucks

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5 /10

Well they fu*ked it up!!!!

I tought this game would be the game to bring cod back to the good old days. The game was good in the beginning but they manage to ruin the game with lootboxes, battle passes, bad balancing, being hostile against customers and not listening to the community. I give dem props for trying something more team focused, but the specialists were to bad and annoying. I spent a lot of time playing this game and i quit when i saw that the putt guns in the battle passes. The only way to unlock hem was to grind every day. Now in the latest update they added a new lootbox were you can get 1 of 3 new weapons. You get one lootbox when you reach tier 25 inn the battle pass, but here's the plot twist even if u get the lootbox there is a chance u will get a mark 2 edition of one of the old weapons instead. LIKE WTF!!!! This is so dumb. they make so many bad decisions and the totaltall ruin and screw over this game. And last but not least the black market. Here they sell a red dot for 200 coins thats 2.99 usd, this is just plain stupideness.

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1 /10

Don't bother

I can't believe I waisted my money on this. It is sooo boring they have become that laser there just revamping past rubbish maps I'm gutted I can't get a refund as bought from ps store I think Activision should stop now it's all about battlefield 5 they tried to jump on battlefield 1 band wagon with ww2 I'd rather them bring out a remastered bo2 as that is so look much better than bo4 even though bo4 is half created from bo2 foundation you need phc to customise loadout honestly it's just an awful game and soon the reviews will have it as worst in franchise

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Best Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Player
